Monday, January 12, 2009

Wrapping up the Weekend

My assessment of the Golden Globes last night: dresses in neutral colors are all the rage; foofy, feminine and princessy is in. Drew Barrymore needs a new hairdresser. Maggie Gyllenhaal needs a new dress. Pierce Brosnan has a normal wife. No one can beat out a (tragically) dead man. I must see Slumdog Millionaire.

I did go to see Doubt over the weekend. My take on it was not the same as others around me, even though I expected we would react similarly. Anyone else have an opinion on it? Were you more sympathetic to one side or the other? How much doubt did it leave you with in the end?

In the meantime, and in preparation for the bitter cold expected to hit us this week, I bought a flowering plant:
Small compensation when compared with where I was ten days ago, but it will have to do.

And in a fit of devious domesticity, I made cookies.
I normally bake only during the holidays, but special circumstances required I make an exception. They turned out ok.

Also over the weekend, I managed to get through the mail that accumulated while we were gone, which was no small thing.

I made a couple of observations about snowmen too ... 1) Why would anyone buy a nylon blow-up snowman for the yard when there is snow available in the yard to make a real one? and, 2) Why do people let their dogs pee on snowmen? We have a lot of people go by the house on the way to the river and folks, if the dog pees on the boulevard trees that's one thing, but you let your dogs pee on the neighbor kids' snowmen and that is simply not acceptable.

Looking back, it was a great weekend with lots of girlfriend catch-up time; nothing to complain about there.

Except maybe it was a little short.


Anonymous said...

Yo ... want to reach through the screen and grab a cookie ... glad the button is a success!
still frozen fish!

Anonymous said...

COOKIES! yummy. I like the flowering plant as well.

Anonymous said...

Last year I listened to the audio version of the book Slumdog Millionaire was based on (Q&A); when I happened upon a synopsis of the movie last month I was floored. "That sounds exactly like that book I listened to! What was it again?" So I want to see the movie, too.

There is nothing like a flowering plant in January to alleviate the winter blahs. Unless it is a nice long stay in a warm place ;-)

Suzique said...

Save me a couple cookies!!! otherwise I'll end up baking a batch and eating way too many!

Loved, loved the snowman comments. And I write this across the street from one very inflated snowman.