Why do men always have to imagine women they're dealing with as a potential mate? I'm sure this guy would never imagine what it would be like to live with a liberal journalist who is a male if he were to have a similar exchange with a man ...
In the meantime, I'm cleaning up my delicious page - here's the weird news that I've found under blogfodder:
PETA sent a letter to Ben and Jerry's suggesting they use human breast milk in their ice cream instead of cows' milk. This is from last September; I think that I was under the impression I would think of clever comments to accompany the post. I remain speachless.
The kosher slaughterhouse in Postville, Iowa continues to have legal problems. This is interesting on so many different levels. If your curiosity is piqued by the story, I suggest you read Postville. I believe Postville was the first book discussed for my current book club (and may be one of the few that everyone read...).
And this just in today, in Tikrit, Iraq, a new statue was unveiled to honor the journalist who threw his shoes at W:
Photograph: Mahmud Saleh/AFP/Getty Images