Sunday, June 8, 2008

This and That Sunday

Graduation is over, although the parties go on and on and on …we didn’t do the open house thing, although we’re having a small dinner next weekend and I told girl-child that she should have a party before she and her friends all go off to college. ‘Course, a lot of them are going to the U but what the heck …

Boy-child got new glasses this week...

I like how dark his hair is coming back in. He’s thinking of getting his head shaved lather and shave style next time…(I keep telling myself it will grow back although he really only has about 15 more years with hair if he follows the path of the men in my family). He’ll probably get his braces off this summer too, so he’ll be returning to school in the fall with a new look.

Hillary finally stepped down. Wow what a long time that took! Al Franken got the endorsement this weekend at the state convention. I’m openly glad for that, and I hope that those who have no sense of humor can move beyond the bad jokes and see that he’s a good man for the job.

On the knitting front I’m making progress on the baby sweater:

I may need some help on the placket but boy are those raglan sleeves slick – I’m glad I learned that. With each new thing I make I learn something new - I really like that about my new hobby...

Friday night knit night at The Yarnery was interesting – I hadn’t realized that one of the facilitators is an M.D. (family practice). We talked of the presidential race, Al Franken, HPV vaccines and teenage sexual activity, and of course lots of yarn and knitting stuff. What a lot of interesting people you can meet by being a knitter…

We watched Take Out Your Handkerchiefs this weekend - something I had found on a website with a list of movies that have knitting in them. Too bad I didn't like it. Perhaps it was a combination of a crisis of expectations and a misleading description; Gérard Depardieu maybe doesn't only do brilliant movies (of course, this one was from 1978) and the knitting woman was, I think, evil, and I expected it to be funnier...anyway, last night we saw Rendition which was really good. (This is why the baby sweater is progressing - lots of movies).

And one last thing about graduation: the footwear. Girl-child wore tattered canvas sneakers. Lots of girls wear heels. And then someone showed up in slippers. So here's a glance at the range of footwear witnessed downtown last Tuesday:

That's girl-child on the right, the CFMs in the middle are a classmate's and the slippers on the left are the classmate's mother's...

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