Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A Sports Whine, a Yarn Shop and a Library

Can someone please tell me when we will stop hearing about Brett Favre? I don't follow sports, but it feels like the news has been discussing the fact that he is retired and will not be coming out of retirement for a long, long time. If he is retired and not coming back to play doesn't that mean it is not news? Nothing happening doesn't usually qualify as news.

Sports confuse me.

In other sports news, swimmers' butts are, aparently, under scrutiny. Wow. Careers in prostitution, politics and sports become more and more similar every year.

On a brighter note, this is Dearborn Station in Chicago, home of Loopy Yarns. Loopy is a fantastic shop and it will be offering some classes this summer with Franklin Habit. I am trying to decide about going to one of them...
And this is the Harold Washington Library in Chicago, which I adore. It's the Library station on the El.

It has cool lights:
The combination of glass and brick, along with some sculpture at the top:
A detail:
Kind of a random combination of rant and photos today, but there you are.


fish said...

I suppose we will never stop hearing about football quarterbacks given the "passion" for football around here ... the other news I want to end is Michael Jackson stuff ...

Anonymous said...

My Spanish is not good enough to read that article beyond picking our the random word or phrase...