Also, I was cleaning up the house today ... something I have fallen severely behind in what with all the upheaval in the household over these past two weeks ... and I found a grocery bag that Girl-child had deposited in the kitchen during one of her visits. In the bag I found 1) a sun dress, 2) two pairs of boxers, 3) a W and a Vogue magazine and, 4) the instructions and software for the printer we recently purchased that she took to the U with her. ??? Interesting combination, Sweet Pea. Thanks.
Speaking of Girl-child and the U, yesterday we went to see the U Theater Department's production of The Woyzeck Project. Wow. Very interesting, a bit disturbing and quite cool.
For knitting I made some sock progress that is too boring to mention ... I also made Boy-child a new purple alpaca hat ...
hehe, oops, you can just stick that in my room and I'll deal latter.
Love the hat ... color is just great ...! The contents of the shopping bag could be the basis for an interesting theater skit, no?
the other knitter
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