Sunday, November 8, 2009

Twilight Zone

Went to visit my mother today, which is the usual Sunday thing.

She still recognizes us and all, but that doesn't mean conversation with her doesn't have a Twilight Zone sort of feel to it:

Soxanne: Hi Mom, how've you been?

Mom: Good

Boy-child: Hi Grandma

M: Hi

S: Would you like to hang out today or go out for a drive?

M: Hang out.

S: Joe* called today to ask how you were doing.

M: Oh, how's he doing?

S: He was wondering how things were because we haven't called for a while. I told him you don't like talking on the phone much any more.

M: Mmmpf.

S: Boy-child just finished his first quarter at his new school. We'll find out his grades next week.

B: They're good.

M: How does he like his new school?

B: I like it, Grandma.

(My mother, in the meantime has gotten up and is wandering around)

S: Where're you going, Mom?

M: Out.

S: Oh, do you want to go somewhere?

M: Yes.

S: Where would you like to go, Mom?

M: To London.

S: Oh. To do what, do you want to visit the queen?

M: (giggles) Yes.

B: Can you think of anywhere a bit closer, Grandma?

M: No.

I go down the hall to let them know we're taking her out for a drive.

I return to my mother's room.

B: We're going to show Grandma where I work.

S: Great.

We show my mother where Boy-child works and drop him off there. Pulling out, I ask my mother if she'd like ice-cream or coffee or anything. She replies no. We drive around Lake of the Isles to pass some time and then return to her place. As we're pulling into the drive at the nursing home...

M: I sure would like some ice cream!

*The fact that my brother called from Boise is nothing short of a miracle. Who knew?

1 comment:

Suzique said...

Heart-breakingly funny.