Saturday, April 25, 2009

Assorted Musings

Girl-child recently joined the Cloud Appreciation Society, which has made me more cognizant of clouds; I've been trying to keep an eye out for good ones:
This is not to say I don't keep my eyes on the ground too - if for no other reason than because if I don't I will fall on my face.

Spring is a good time to look down:

It was so nice out the other day I had dinner on the sidewalk with Susan where we enjoyed good conversation and the entertainment of watching folks pass by. There was also the Jimmy John's delivery car to look at:
A lot of them are from Northern Sun, but this was a new one for me:
Girl-child stopped by the library recently and showed off her newly knitted headband and an octopus finger puppet. Both were made from leftover sock yarn:
Behold the octopus:
Boy-child went with me to visit my mother today which is very good of him. I wish I had taken a photo of his velvety-headed look; his hair is growing in and it's at the soft stage right now. We like to pet his head at the moment.

I am finishing up American Wife and I must say I have mixed feelings about it. I really enjoyed it at first; I liked the characters and many of them reminded me of people I have known, particularly the children of privilege that I knew at Macalester. When it dawned on me that the protagonist was sort of Laura Bush I was kind of upset. I was primarily upset because I liked the characters and I don't want to like them. Then I was upset that I was reacting in that narrow-minded-liberal way of not wanting to like them.

Silly, really, since it's only a novel and W is out of sight. If only Cheney would disappear now.


Anonymous said...

Pretty flowers. Girl-child looks like you. Happy spring!

Anonymous said...

Cloud appreciation ... where have I been ... cloud watching is as close as I come to meditation ... and there were these clouds the other day that reminded me of the shibori technique ... puffs that looked tied ... the puppet is charming ... talented child there ... both are ...
a fan who is a fish

Anonymous said...

I also understand your angst about liking characters that you do not want to like ... I have experienced that in books and recently in real life in a big way so something I, too, have been pondering of late ... it's confusing ... no, I am not speaking of you ... (snicker)
the fish

Suzique said...

Love the finger puppet, love the photos, love Fish's responses.

Cloud appreciation could lead to poetry appreciation, especially by one who likes unfavored characters!!

Happy Sunday