Thursday, November 3, 2016

More Art and Family

We celebrated Girl-child's birthday early this year. The activity was a trip to the Weisman Art Museum at the U of MN.

I really enjoyed this part of the exhibit.  Each had a recording to go with it but I didn't care much for those ;)

This cracks me up.  It's a member of the Weisman family in 1970s mode.  Reminds me of when I used to work downtown in the 70s.

There is tons of great art to see.

This watch from the museum store was the birthday gift.  We picked up Punch pizza and joined the rest of the family when we were done at the museum.  It was a fun outing.

Happy birthday, Little One!  27 years old next week!!!

1 comment:

Mary Lou said...

Those two at the top say family to me!