Monday, March 23, 2015

Spring Weirdness

Spring is time for weird weather here, and the past week has been no exception. Mopeds left out in the snow are a sure sign - this is what we woke up to this morning.

I would like to note that although I have been whining all winter that we haven't had enough snow, I am currently feeling unenthusiastic about it all.

Today's weather is in stark contrast to the previous weekend which was 70 degrees, albeit with ice still on the lakes and the warming house still up at Lake of the Isles.

And apropos of nothing, while Pandora was playing recently on my genius TV, an album cover with a detail from a Manet painting was showing beside the poster I have with the same detail (from a show I saw with my mother at the Grand Palais in 1983).

Happy spring!


kmkat said...

Oddly enough, we got no snow this weekend.

Mary Lou said...

I didn't put away my boots or put out the patio furniture, that's for sure. She says, looking out at the snow.