Friday, February 6, 2015

Knitting Machine?

I've never been attracted to machine knitting before.

But I discovered something this week that could change my mind.

Take a look at 

Their yarn bomb page is available here.

These are some of my favorites:

True not all of them are knitting machine scale, but still...and this discovery comes on the heels of Silvernfire suggesting the new stadium could be yarn bombed .... hmmm ....


Mary Lou said...

I don't even want to walk near the place! I love the mailbox picture. Those big green mailboxes, which I never see anymore, were my first horse!

Silvernfire said...

Clearly you're going to need knitting in quantity if you're going to attempt to yarnbomb a large area. Like, say, a stadium. ^_^

kmkat said...

Oh, Silvernfire is absolutely right. That new stadiium cries out for yarnbombing. And you are right about needing a knitting machine to accomplish it.

On a related noted, I have a link in next Monday's knitting links post about yarnbombing in Chile.