Sunday, January 11, 2015

Got Cabin Fever?

I don't know about the rest of you, but I get cabin fever bad in the winter. Working from home does not help the situation at all. (I know, I know, I should be thankful, and I am, sort of). I did go out for Drunken Knit Night on Friday. There were a lot of people there and it was fun to visit with people face to face. Actually, Merlin's was packed, so I guess I wasn't the only one dying to get out of the house.

In knitting, I'm not sure if I mentioned I made a Habitat for myself using a hank of yarn I won as a door prize at Yarnover last year. See Ravelry for the details.

I also started an Equation cowl - Chelsea's first published pattern. Hooray Chelsea!

It's snowing at the moment, so I guess I'd better go out again while it's warm(ish).


kmkat said...

I have enough outside commitments these days that I don't have a chance to get cabin fever. Our cats, however, are susceptible to it. They seem to have one major episode in November when the weather first gets cold, then on and off again all winter. If it hadn't been -5˚ a day or two ago I would have thrown them outside. The squalling and growling was deafening.

Mary Lou said...

Here's a clue to my cabin fever - I read the name of that cowl as 'equitation' - I have to get out a bit, no matter what. Sorry to miss DKN, I had concert tickets (SPCO) and snoozed through most of one of the pieces.

Chelsea said...
