Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Retreat Continued, and Other Knitting and Stuff

I believe I failed to mention that there is an amazing B&B on the way to Villa Maria, where the knitting retreat was.  It's the Round Barn B&B just past Red Wing:

The house looks pretty amazing:

Another thing I believe I failed to mention is that I received a yarn bowl at the retreat.  It's wonderful, and the perfect gift as I would have never purchased one myself, even though I think it's fantastic and I can't wait to have it on my coffee table.

This is the hat and swatch - products of the retreat.  I'm knitting gifts right now, and then I want to make something fast and fun.  Since the double knitting is very, very slow for me, I'm thinking it will be languishing for another month or so.  I love the colors, so hopefully that will draw me in and get me back on track eventually.

So far, this is what I've got for Boy-child's new glittens.  I'm going to wait to weave in the ends until he tries them on, so it may be Christmastime before they're actually finished.

In other news, Auntie will be starting a new round of chemo this week.  Fingers crossed.  I went to the condo today to take measurements, and also to make sure they're getting their (massive amounts of) stuff out of there.  Progress is being made.  I got a shower curtain.  And I bought myself a computer.  It's the first time I've had my very own :-)  As I organize my photos I may post (or maybe repost) some old ones.  It's a fun project, if a bit overwhelming.

1 comment:

kmkat said...

I am getting much better* at the double knitting. Mom was right: practice, practice, practice.

* where "better" means slightly faster with somewhat fewer mistakes and a finely honed and well-practiced knowledge of how to tink.