Tuesday, June 28, 2011


I took a mental health day on Friday, if that's possible when you weren't scheduled to work anyway. I did not clean the house or mow the lawn though. I did a little laundry and a lot of knitting and I took a nap. Very therapeutic. Of course, now I have to get some work done. But I blog instead.

On Friday the sun was out.
We haven't seen a lot of sun lately.

I thought about mowing the lawn but left it 'till Sunday.

I thought about giving myself a pedicure but maybe tomorrow. You know you're being lazy when you won't even polish your nails.

I thought about cutting the last of the peonies, but that was left 'till the next day when it started raining again.
Mostly I moved my chair, following the sun through the yard with my knitting.

It was one of those days when the ball of yarn stays the same size even though you've been knitting for hours.
I still have to look at my students' homework and get ready for Thursday's class. Off I go.

BTW, Yarn bombing made Time magazine on June 20th. It's a brief article, but a little press is better than no press.

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