Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Shoes - Nicollet Mall Station

Looking at the shoes while waiting for the train can be entertaining.

Styles vary a lot from one station to another.

I think Nicollet Mall has great variety.

I have noticed recently that a lot of hipster guys wear Tom's.

I wonder where they go to wear them out like that.  I've never seen a guy in a new pair.


kmkat said...

The first pair make my feet hurt to look at them -- no cushioning, no support. The second pair make me fear for a broken ankle. The third pair, same sentiment as the first except that I love the pink sparkles. Fourth pair makes me wonder why Younger Son, a hipster if ever there was one, doesn't have any Toms. Fifth pair looks like standard summer wear everywhere in the Midwest.

Also: I love it when bloggers Kinnear their surroundings. Thanks!

soxanne said...

Well, the shots from the Government Center Plaza stop are very boring by comparison...Boy-child wears slip-on Vans 'till they look like thos Tom's, so maybe that's the alternative Hipster boy shoe?